gielda-staroci - Incredible moment 7-WEEK-OLD baby says hello

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Autor:Goast Fire

Kategoria: People & Blogs

Czas w sekundach i minutach: 00:30

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Incredible moment 7-WEEK-OLD baby says hello

  • I really don't get all the nit-picky naysayers... So he said "A-lo"... He's 7 weeks old... He's just a rarely advanced kid. And I think he really figured it out, because you can clearly tell he was trying to formulate and mimic his mom's word, in his first attempts. 
  • Fuck me...I cannot wait to have kids. 2.1 million views for a baby NOT saying hello.I can't wait.
  • Genius in the making.
  • Next week, he will learn cognitive neuroscience. 
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  • Let us know when he says: "supercalafragalisticexpialidocious"
  • Don't know how all of you heard "Hello", I heard "Stop recording and feed me you insolent woman."Anyone else hear that or is it just me?
  • So cute!!!
  • The talking baby video is a very real thing that happens on ocassions, watch the videos about the people who have high IQ test scores and you'll find lots of this, ones talking 3languages by 3 able to play scores of instruments and master them all by the age of say 8 yrs. More information is available on you tube and you should check out this it's amazing !
  • *Fake video, the parents trained the baby to repeat Hello.**No way it could say it naturally, this whole clip was just a rehearsed stunt to get YouTube hits.**These parents are way too pushy, i feel bad for the newborn.*
  • Nos Estados Unidos até bebês com 7 semanas de vida conseguem falar inglês, e você aí enrolando nesse seu cursinho de inglês online.
  • This is too cute! 😍
  • Incredible moment 7-WEEK-OLD baby says hello:
  • I just heard 'Alô'... Esse bebe foi contrabandeado do Brasil...
  • I mean valk 
  • I wanna hug it until he stops breathing and then i will eat itBitch
  • A mãe do LULA disse que ele falou duas palavras pinga e greve !!!
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  • Mireu el bebe, diu hello. 
  • I love baby's 
  • Amazing!
  • Why the fuck did I even click on this shit? The fuck was I expecting?
  • EUA é outra coisa... em quanto o sonho do Brasileiro é ter uma casa própria, o deles é ser bem sucedidos, e crescer na vida... 
  • Allah says we have to kill this baby ! Where it is !? Allahu akbar !
  • So cute...
  • Omg this is so cute!!
  • A future R. Feynman
  • Awwwww so cute
  • Incredible moment 7-WEEK-OLD baby says hello:
  • I get he's not really saying hello, but as a parent myself I find it shake. I freaked out that ten minutes after giving birth my husband was holding her, clear as day we all, the nurse as well, heard her yell mom. It was just a cry. It was still special to me. <3 
  • he must learn to say ; " show me the money!" ;-)>
  • Thats so cute:)
  • What a cute baby !
  • Incredible moment 7-WEEK-OLD baby says hello:
  • Incredible moment.seriously
  • Omfg! SOOOO CUTEEEEEEE 😧😧😧😧😧😧😧😧😧😧😧😧
  • so cute, sound is doesn't matter but baby expression are so good
  • SOMEONE! please make a repeat music video of this! HELLO HELLO HELLLLOOOOO!!! yyeeaahhh!! HELLO HELLOOO!!
  • nothing special tho
  • I am not sure if that baby said 'hello'.It sounded like 'A-low'.I don't mean to be rude, I don't think babies will ever talk if they're a month old. (I'm sure babies will talk if they are 2 or 3 years old.)
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  • Aww so cute
  • Os BR representa isso aki rapidim
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  • It doesn't say "hello" - it does typical baby garble....It's cute, but it isn't anything special.
  • Aweee so cute !!!💙
  • So cute
  • Zobacz też sobie: nie mam dziś nic ciekawego