gielda-staroci - WWII REENACTMENT - Eastern front battlefield - Stara Kremnicka SK 2009

To znacie?: nie ma nic ciekawego.


Autor:Petr Warry WorldWarCollector

Kategoria: Education

Czas w sekundach i minutach: 03:33

Osób widziało go już: 13862

Partner serwisu: zostań dziś partnerem serwisu

Ocena w skali od 1 do 5: 4.8974357

WWII REENACTMENT - Eastern front battlefield - Stara Kremnicka SK 2009

  • So how'd you get your former channel terminated?
  • some hot girls :)!
  • @SamPD2 yt says - copyrights issues .......
  • Red Army Choir partisan's song.
  • :30 both the guys are staring at the girl
  • What is the first song? It sounds awesome!
  • @norseleague he is less than 50. his rank fits to his age and years spent with reenactment. actually he is pretty good bloke, friend of mine.
  • 1:36 Mighty old German leiutenent don't we think? 60 something? Did he get demoted for some field infraction?
  • Zobacz też sobie: nie mam dziś nic ciekawego